“Exposure” by Wilfred Owen.

How is the idea of “exposure” (being dangerously exposed to the natural elements/ weather) represented in the poem?

The idea of exposure is represented at the very beginning of the poem with the title being “exposure”.  It’s then represented in the first line where it says “Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds the knife us…” Showing us not only that they are exposed to the cold but that it is so severe that it is physically hurting them.

How is the weather presented as an enemy?

Year 12 : “Exposure” – Wilfred Owen

The idea of “Exposure” exposed to extreme Weather conditions, is a reoccurring There in this Poem. List all of the references to “exposure” that are included in the Poem. Explain what these references specifically tell you about the environment and conditions the men experience. How is the Weather Presented as an enemy?

In the text weather is given life through personification. Doing this makes the cold seem as if it is sentient. Makes it seem like it has a goal to take the soldiers out.


One Reply to ““Exposure” by Wilfred Owen.”

  1. Great initial ideas, Jayden, but these need to be more developed in your response overall. I.e. “weather is given life through personification. Doing this makes the cold seem as if it is sentient. Makes it seem like it has a goal to take the soldiers out.” This is an insightful point, however, what is the purpose of the weather being “sentient” in this context? What message is the poet trying to convey through this selection of language? Additional quotations from the text could also have been given to support your theme of “exposure.”

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